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Log ninject resolved dependencies application start-up

We have started using Ninject version 2 as our IoC container along with the extension for resolving by naming conventions. We are also using log4net for our logging.

What I would like is for Ninject to log all the dependencies it has found and what will resolve them to, preferably on the application start-up.

I have found the logging extension, but can't find documentation or examples on how to use it to get this.


Since it was requested here is the class that logs the default bindings on startup, using log4net

public class DefaultBindingGeneratorWithLogging : IBindingGenerator { private readonly IKernel kernel;

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DefaultBindingGeneratorWithLogging"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="kernel">The kernel.</param>
    public DefaultBindingGeneratorWithLogging(IKernel kernel)
        this.kernel = kernel;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates the bindings for a type.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="type">The type for which the bindings are created.</param>
    /// <param name="bindingRoot">The binding root that is used to create the bindings.</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// The syntaxes for the created bindings to configure more options.
    /// </returns>
    public IEnumerable<IBindingWhenInNamedWithOrOnSyntax<object>> CreateBindings(Type type, IBindingRoot bindingRoot)
        if (type.IsInterface || type.IsAbstract)
            yield break;

        Type interfaceForType = type.GetInterface("I" + type.Name, false);
        if (interfaceForType == null)
            yield break;

        var log = kernel.Get<ILog>();
        if (!(kernel.GetBindings(interfaceForType).Any()))
            if (log.IsInfoEnabled && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(interfaceForType.FullName))
                log.InfoFormat("Mapping {0} -> {1}", type.FullName, interfaceForType.FullName);
            log.InfoFormat("Didn't map {0} -> {1} mapping already exists", type.FullName, interfaceForType.FullName);


  • You can probably achieve what you are trying to do by creating your own instance of 'ActivationStrategy'. Here is one that I was using to monitor activation / deactivation:

    public class MyMonitorActivationStrategy : ActivationStrategy
        private ILogger _logger;
        public override void Activate(Ninject.Activation.IContext context, Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference reference)
            if(reference.Instance is ILogger)
                _logger = (ILogger)reference.Instance;
            _logger.Debug("Ninject Activate: " + reference.Instance.GetType());
            base.Activate(context, reference);
        public override void Deactivate(Ninject.Activation.IContext context, Ninject.Activation.InstanceReference reference)
            _logger.Debug("Ninject DeActivate: " + reference.Instance.GetType());
            base.Deactivate(context, reference);

    You wire this when you create your kernel.

        protected override IKernel CreateKernel()
        var kernel = new StandardKernel();
            kernel.Components.Add<IActivationStrategy, MyMonitorActivationStrategy>();
            return kernel;

    Hope this helps.
