Determine the running time (in nano-seconds) of the following subroutine:
push r22
ldi r20, 0x40
del1: nop
ldi r21, 0xFF
del2: nop
ldi r22, 0xFF
del3: nop
dec r22
brne del3
dec r21
brne del2
dec r20
brne del1
pop r22
Here's my work:
Inner loop = 1 + 254(1 + 3) + (1 + 2) = 1020
Middle loop = 1 + 254(1020 + 1 + 3) + (1020 + 1 + 2) = 261 120
Outer loop = 1 + 63(261120 + 1 + 3) + (261120 + 1 + 2) = 16 711 936
Total cycles = 16 711 936 + 2 (push) + 1 (ldi) + 2 (pop) + 4 (ret)
= 16 711 945
Answering just the number of cycles is fine, but if wanted, the microcontroller is an ATMega 2560.
This is the correct answer:
Inner loop = 1 + 254(1 + 3) + (1 + 2) = 1020
Middle loop = 1 + 254(1020 + 1 + 3) + (1020 + 1 + 2) = 261 120
Outer loop = 1 + 63(261120 + 1 + 3) + (261120 + 1 + 2) = 16 711 936
Total cycles = 16 711 936 + 2 (push) + 1 (ldi) + 2 (pop) + 4 (ret)
= 16 711 945
The formula is ldi + (n-1) * (body + ldi + brne_true) + (body + ldi + brne_false)
The body of the inner loop is 1 nop instruction, and we know the cycles for ldi and brne is 3, then 2 for the last iteration.
The body of the middle loop is 1 nop instruction + the result of the inner loop.
The body of the outermost loop 1 nop instruction + the result of the middle loop.
Then the total cycles = the outer loop cycles + push + ldi + pop + ret.
To get the total time, divide the number of cycles by the clock speed in Hertz.
Total time = 16711945 / 16000000 = 1.044 seconds or 1044496562.5 nanoseconds