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Create .wav from multiple sine waves and play all at once

I'm wondering if there is a way to adapt the code shown here so that I can basically make an array of beeps and play them all at once.

I tried making global MemoryStream and BinaryWriter to use, calculating everything ahead of time for the size but it was even slower than 1 beep at a time and didn't seem to work.

After that, I tried writing the MemoryStream to a byte array but that did the same as making globals for the stream/writer.

How can I edit the code to get the MemoryStream to hold multiple beeps and play them all at once?


  • Here is a modification to create the song from beeps:

    void Main() {
        var beeps = new[] {
            new Song.Beep(500, 1000, 200),
            new Song.Beep(1000, 1000, 300),
            new Song.Beep(300, 2000, 150),
            new Song.Beep(500, 500, 200),
        var song = new Song(beeps);
    public class Song {
        public struct Beep {
            readonly public int Amplitude;
            readonly public int Frequency;
            readonly public int Duration;
            public Beep(int a, int f, int d) {
                Amplitude = a;
                Frequency = f;
                Duration = d;
        MemoryStream MS;
        public Song(IEnumerable<Beep> beeps) {
            int Bytes = beeps.Sum(b => 4 * (441 * b.Duration / 10));
            int[] Hdr = { 0X46464952, 36 + Bytes, 0X45564157, 0X20746D66, 16, 0X20001, 44100, 176400, 0X100004, 0X61746164, Bytes };
            MS = new MemoryStream(44 + Bytes);
            using (var BW = new BinaryWriter(MS, Encoding.UTF8, true)) {
                for (int I = 0; I < Hdr.Length; ++I)
                foreach (var beep in beeps) {
                    double A = ((beep.Amplitude * (System.Math.Pow(2, 15))) / 1000) - 1;
                    double DeltaFT = 2 * Math.PI * beep.Frequency / 44100.0;
                    int Samples = 441 * beep.Duration / 10;
                    for (int T = 0; T < Samples; ++T) {
                        short Sample = System.Convert.ToInt16(A * Math.Sin(DeltaFT * T));
                        BW.Write(Sample); // left channel
                        BW.Write(Sample); // right channel
        public void PlaySong() {
            MS.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            using (var SP = new SoundPlayer(MS)) {