I need some debugging help, because an error I run into is really hard.
This is a game with complex animations. However the question isn't about SpriteKit
. I want animations to follow each other in strict order, so I implemented a subclass of Operation
class ActionOperation: Operation
var debugLabel: String?
private(set) var actionNodes: Set<ActionNode>
//... Other vars, isFinished etc.
init(node: SKNode, action: SKAction) {
actionNodes = [ActionNode(node: node, action: action)]
init(nodesAndActions: [(SKNode?, SKAction)]) {
actionNodes = Set(nodesAndActions.map( {(tuple) in return
ActionNode(node: tuple.0, action: tuple.1)
override func start() { /* ... */ }
For this class details you can see the source question. A helper struct:
extension ActionOperation {
struct ActionNode: Hashable {
static func ==(lhs: ActionOperation.ActionNode, rhs: ActionOperation.ActionNode) -> Bool {
return lhs.node == rhs.node && lhs.action == rhs.action
weak var node: SKNode?
// This constant is causing problems!
let action: SKAction
let setIdForHash: Int
var hashValue: Int { return setIdForHash ^ action.hashValue }
The instances of the ActionOperation
are added to the animationQueue
. Queue setup:
fileprivate let animationQueue = OperationQueue()
// Setup:
animationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1
animationQueue.qualityOfService = .userInteractive
Operation setup:
let duration = 0.35
var groupActions = [SKAction]()
for n in 0..<from.count {
let fromIndex = from[n]
let toIndex = to[n]
let move = SKAction.move(to: fieldPosition(at: toIndex), duration: duration)
let seq = SKAction.sequence([
SKAction.run(move, onChildWithName: "\(fromIndex)"),
SKAction.wait(forDuration: duration),
self.piece(at: fromIndex)?.name = "\(toIndex)"
let gravOperation = ActionOperation(node: piecesLayer, action: SKAction.group(groupActions))
gravOperation.debugLabel = "gravity"
Sometimes this queue get stack, that means one operation is executing forever. I'm trying to debug it using Xcode command line and type this:
p (animationQueue.operations[0] as! ActionOperation).actionNodes.first!.action
(SKAction) $R6 = <uninitialized>
What does it mean? How a let
constant in a struct can be uninitialized
If I print node
, everything is ok:
po (animationQueue.operations[0] as! ActionOperation).actionNodes.first!.node
<SKNode> name:'(null)' position:{0, 0} scale:{1.00, 1.00} accumulatedFrame:{{178.13499450683594, -26.469999313354492}, {908.33502197265625, 1012.9400024414062}}
Well, the problem was caused by the way I crate group action:
let gravOperation = ActionOperation(node: piecesLayer, action: SKAction.group(groupActions))
When groupActions
array is empty action will never be executed on the node and if we call:
node.run(badGroupAction, completion: { /* never called */ })
the completion
will be never called. That's why queue was stuck. I think it's a SpriteKit
flaw. I would prefer completion
to be called immediately if we try to run empty group or sequence.
Why does action
become uninitialized
? I don't know, I think it's a bug, probably related to the empty array.