Trying to get to grips with the concepts I am trying to solve an exercise in Haskell using WriterT and State (it's advent of code day 15). For some reason I do not understand I end up using loads of memory and my notebook (just 4G Ram) comes to a halt.
My first idea was to use strictness and sprinkle bangs around - but the issue persists.
Could someone explain me where I did go wrong?
Here's cleaned up code:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
main = do
let generators = (Generator 65 16807, Generator 8921 48271)
res1 = compute generators (4*10^7)
putStrLn "Answer 1"
print res1
data Generator = Generator { _value :: Int
, _factor :: Int
deriving Show
newtype Value = Value Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Counter = Counter Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Monoid Counter where
mempty = Counter 0
mappend (Counter !a) (Counter !b) = Counter (a+b)
generate :: Generator -> (Value, Generator)
generate (Generator v f) = (Value newval, Generator newval f)
where newval = (v * f) `mod` 2147483647
agree (Value a) (Value b) = (a `mod` mf) == (b `mod` mf)
where mf = 2^16
oneComp :: State (Generator, Generator) Bool
oneComp = do
(!ga, !gb) <- get
let (va, gan) = generate ga
(vb, gbn) = generate gb
!ag = agree va vb
put (gan, gbn)
pure ag
counterStep :: WriterT Counter (State (Generator, Generator)) ()
counterStep = do
!ag <- lift oneComp
when ag $ tell (Counter 1)
afterN :: Int -> WriterT Counter (State (Generator, Generator)) ()
afterN n = replicateM_ n counterStep
compute s0 n = evalState (execWriterT (afterN n)) s0
I compile it with stack. The entry in the cabal file is:
executable day15
hs-source-dirs: app
main-is: day15.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
build-depends: base
, advent
, hspec
, mtl
default-language: Haskell2010
I had a little more time and followed the suggestion to make Generator strict. However still something is using too much memory.
Here's the part of the prof file that I think may be relevant.
Fri Dec 15 16:28 2017 Time and Allocation Profiling Report (Final)
day15 +RTS -N -p -RTS
total time = 71.66 secs (71662 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
total alloc = 17,600,423,088 bytes (excludes profiling overheads)
afterN Main app/day15.hs:79:1-36 41.1 20.0
mappend Main app/day15.hs:51:3-51 31.0 3.6
oneComp Main app/day15.hs:(64,1)-(71,9) 9.2 49.1
generate.(...) Main app/day15.hs:55:9-42 8.5 14.5
The cause is likely to be the WriterT
Even the "strict" WriterT
is completely lazy in the accumulator —it is strict in another sense unrelated to the accumulator.
For example, this program runs without errors:
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Control.Exception
main :: IO ()
main = do
let (x,_) = runWriter $ do
tell $ Sum (1::Float)
tell (throw $ AssertionFailed "oops")
tell (error "oops")
tell undefined
tell (let z = z in z)
return True
print x
Furthermore, it is impossible to "strictify" the accumulator from within WriterT
, because there's no way to get to it.
For long computations, thunks will accumulate and consume a lot of memory.
One solution is to store the counter in a StateT
layer instead. The strict modify'
function is helpful here.
Using StateT
for an append-only accumulator is a bit unsatisfactory though. Another option is to use Accum
with judiciously positioned BangPatterns
. This program throws an error:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Accum
main :: IO ()
main = do
let (x,_) = flip runAccum mempty $ do
add $ Sum (1::Float)
add $ error "oops"
!_ <- look
return True
print x
is like a Writer
that lets you access the accumulator. It doesn't let you change it at will, only add to it. But getting hold of it is enough to introduce strictness.