I'm using the node-http-proxy library to create a forward proxy server. I eventually plan to use some middleware to modify the html code on the fly. This is how my proxy server code looks like
var httpProxy = require('http-proxy')
httpProxy.createServer(function(req, res, proxy) {
var urlObj = url.parse(req.url);
console.log("actually proxying requests")
req.headers.host = urlObj.host;
req.url = urlObj.path;
proxy.proxyRequest(req, res, {
host : urlObj.host,
port : 80,
enable : { xforward: true }
}).listen(9000, function () {
console.log("Waiting for requests...");
Now I modify chrome's proxy setting, and enable web proxy server address as localhost:9000
However every time I visit a normal http website, my server crashes saying "Error: Must provide a proper URL as target"
I am new at nodejs, and I don't entirely understand what I'm doing wrong here?
To use a dynamic target, you should create a regular HTTP server that uses a proxy instance for which you can set the target dynamically (based on the incoming request).
A bare bones forwarding proxy:
const http = require('http');
const httpProxy = require('http-proxy');
const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
proxy.web(req, res, { target: req.url });
}).listen(9000, () => {
console.log("Waiting for requests...");