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Retrieve data variables in options properties in Vue.js / Vue-select

i need some help with vue.

  1. Is it possible to call data variables in options properties? For example in "price" property I would like to call data variable "tax".
  2. And how to return a single options property in a function, in my case function is called "final", i tried return this.selected.test, but it is not working

Here is the code:

Vue.component('v-select', VueSelect.VueSelect)
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    selected: null,
    tax: 0.07,
    mrg: 0.11,
    ex_mrg: 0.16,
    qnt: '',
    options: [{
      label: 'Item 1',
      id: 1,
      price: '* Price: ' + '$' + 0.26 + ' per one printed item',
      test: 5,
      env: 0.026,
      ltrhd: '',
    }, {
      test: 6,
      label: 'Item 2',
      id: 2,
      price: '* Price: ' + '$' + 7.35 + ' per one printed item',
      shrt: 7.351
    }, {
      test: 7 * 7,
      label: 'Item 3',
      id: 3,
      price: '* Price: ' + '$' + 0.96 + ' per one printed item',
      frsb: 0.969269,
      yoyo: 0.3658
    }, ]
  computed: {
    selectedId() {
      return this.selected ? : null;
    priceId() {
      return this.selected ? this.selected.price : null;
    result: function() {
      return * this.mrg * this.qnt;
    final: function() {
      return this.selected;
<script src="[email protected]"></script>
<script src="[email protected]"></script>
<div id="app">
  <h1>Please, select item</h1>
  <v-select v-model="selected" :options="options"></v-select><br>
  <p>Quantity needed:</p>
  <input type="number" name="trade-in" v-model.number="qnt" />
  <p>{{ priceId }}</p>
  <h1>selectedId: {{ selectedId }}</h1>
  <p>{{ qnt }}</p>
  <p>Final price: ${{ result }}</p>
  <p>Final price: {{ final }}</p>


  • Please see answers below

    1. Is it possible to call data variables in options properties? For example in "price" property I would like to call data variable "tax".

    You cannot, but you can do following. Make your data a function and declare a tax variable, that variable you can use at multiple places.

    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      data: function() { 
        var tax = 0.07;
        return {
          tax: tax,,
          options: [{
            label: 'Item 1',
            id: 1,
            price: '* Price: ' + '$' + (0.26 + tax) + ' per one printed item',
            test: 5,
            env: 0.026,
            ltrhd: '',
    1. And how to return a single options property in a function, in my case function is called "final", i tried return this.selected.test, but it is not working

    Initially your this.selected is null. That is why you code is throwing exception when you did this.selected.test. Try following

    final: function(){
          return this.selected && this.selected.test;