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Working with file containing unmatched braces

I need to modify a file containing several lines with unmatched braces like:

  rmsd {
    atoms {
      atomsCol B
      atomsColValue 1

So if I do this:

set fp [open "fpor.conf" r]
set file_data [read $fp]
close $fp
set confFile [split $file_data "\n"]

set inOut [open "" w]

foreach line $inFile {
     if {[lindex $line 0] == "atomsFile"} {
        lappend line "us.pdb"
     puts $inOut "$line"
close $inOut

The script fails with the error: unmatched open brace in list. Is there a way to avoid this?


  • If your intention is to update the file as follows,

    atomsFile us.pdb

    then, instead of checking for the list index of presence, check only the word.


    if {[regexp atomsFile $line]} {
        lappend line "us.pdb"