I'm using the Array.Copy Method (Array, Array, Int64). I've the following static method
public static T[,] Copy<T>(T[,] a)
where T : new()
long n1 = a.GetLongLength(0);
long n2 = a.GetLongLength(1);
T[,] b = new T[n1, n2];
System.Array.Copy(a, b, n1 * n2);
return b;
and the following code to test it
double[,] m1 = new double[46340, 46340];
double[,] m2 = Copy(m1); // works
double[,] m3 = new double[46341, 46341];
double[,] m4 = Copy(m3); // Arrays larger than 2GB are not supported
// length argument of Array.Copy
I'm aware of <gcAllowVeryLargeObjects enabled="true" />
and I've set it to true.
I saw in the documentation of Array.Copy Method (Array, Array, Int64) that there is the following remark for the length argument.
A 64-bit integer that represents the number of elements to copy. The integer must be between zero and Int32.MaxValue, inclusive.
I cannot understand why there is this limit for the length argument when the type is Int64
? Is there a workaround? Is it planned to remove this limit in an upcoming version of .net?
A workaround could be the following code
public static T[,] Copy<T>(T[,] a)
where T : new()
long n1 = a.GetLongLength(0);
long n2 = a.GetLongLength(1);
long offset = 0;
long length = n1 * n2;
long maxlength = Int32.MaxValue;
T[,] b = new T[n1, n2];
while (length > maxlength)
System.Array.Copy(a, offset, b, offset, maxlength);
offset += maxlength;
length -= maxlength;
System.Array.Copy(a, offset, b, offset, length);
return b;
where the array is copied in blocks of the size Int32.MaxValue