I need to perform a threshold operation on an RGB image. The thresholding that I intend to do should behave as follows.
If greyscale equivalent of a pixel ( calculated as 0.299 * R' + 0.587 * G' + 0.114 * B'
) is Y
, then the pixel value of the output image will be:
P = Threshold_color, if Y < threshold_value
= (R,G,B), Original value
,where Threshold_color is an RGB color value,
I wanted to perform this operation using Intel IPP library. There I found few API's related to thresholding of images. (ippiThreshold_LTVal_8u_C3R
But these methods seems to work only on one data point at a time. But the thresholding that I want to do depends on the combination of 3 different values (R, G, B). Is there a way to achieve this through IPP library?
Suggested approach:
Note that you're generating images of different types here: first greyscale, then black&white, and finally color images again (although in step 3 it's a monochromatic image)