<amp-list class="mx1 md-mxn1" [src]="'api/' + products.filter + '-' + products.category + '-products.json'" src="some.json" height="1000" width="300" layout="responsive">
<template type="amp-mustache">
<a href="{{ Url }}" target="_self" id="commerce-listing-product" class="commerce-listing-product text-decoration-none inline-block col-6 md-col-4 lg-col-3 px1 mb2 md-mb4 relative">
<div class="flex flex-column justify-between">
<amp-img class="commerce-listing-product-image mb2" src="{{ imageUrl }}" width="340" height="340" layout="responsive" alt="{{ name }}" noloading=""></amp-img>
<h2 class="commerce-listing-product-name h6">{{ productName }}</h2>
i want to track analytics on click of the A tag. I am tracking it using id. i want to be able to track which product is clicked on and pass the product name as eventLabel to google analytics. how can i achieve this?
Sorry i clearly missed the AMP on topic.
Follow this:
1) Include Analytics:
<script async custom-element="amp-analytics"
2) Add the template: (to body)
<amp-analytics type="googleanalytics" id="analytics1">
3) Use this JSON to event-tracking:
"vars": {
"account": "UA-XXXXXX-Y"
"triggers": {
"trackClickOnHeader" : {
"on": "click",
"selector": "#header",
"request": "event",
"vars": {
"eventCategory": "ui-components",
"eventAction": "header-click"
So completed code should look like this: (this is just an EXAMPLE add your values into it)
<amp-analytics type="googleanalytics" id="analytics2">
<script type="application/json">
"vars": {
"account": "UA-XXXXXX-Y"
"triggers": {
"trackClickOnHeader" : {
"on": "click",
"selector": "#commerce-listing-product",
"request": "event",
"vars": {
"eventCategory": "List Element",
"eventAction": "Click",
"eventLabel": "{{URL}}", <--- NOT REQUIRED
"eventValue": "100millioninionions" <--- NOT REQUIRED