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Node.js workers/background processes

How can I create and use background jobs in node.js?

I've come across two libs (node-resque and node-worker) but would like to know if there's something more used.


  • I did some research on this and I would do it like this.



    1. Install beanstalkd. Another message queue, BUT this one supports DELAYED PUTS. If you compile from source it is going to be a little harder because it depends on libevent(like memcached). But then again, I don't think you have to compile it from source, because there are a lot of binary packages available. For example on Ubuntu you can install beanstalkd by issuing the command:

      sudo apt-get install beanstalkd


    1. Install a beanstalkd client library. The best one I found was node-beanstalk-client. Because on the beanstalkd client library list this library isn't/wasn't mentioned(Then again I can add entries to the list, so I will add this one). The reasons I prefer this library over the others are:

      1. Npm package: I liked to use a npm package to install client library. The others did not have any.
      2. Active development: I prefer libraries which have later/more commits.

    So to install it, after you have installed npm(the write way) you would just issue the following command:

    npm install beanstalk_client



    var client = require('beanstalk_client').Client;
    client.connect('', function(err, conn) {
        var reserve = function() {
            conn.reserve(function(err, job_id, job_json) {
                console.log('got job: ' + job_id);
                console.log('got job data: ' + job_json);
                console.log('module name is ' + JSON.parse(job_json);
                conn.destroy(job_id, function(err) {
                    console.log('destroyed job');

    First start the consumer:

    node consumer.js 

    Next start producer.js. Five seconds(delay I specified) after you execute producer.js, consumer.js will process the message.


    var client = require('beanstalk_client').Client;
    client.connect('', function(err, conn) {
        var job_data = {"data": {"name": "node-beanstalk-client"}};
        var priority = 0;
        var delay = 5;
        var timeToRun = 1;
        conn.put(priority, delay, timeToRun, JSON.stringify(job_data), function(err, job_id) {
            console.log('put job: ' + job_id);

    to start just issue:

    node producer.js