I got a dynamic table that can add rows to it. How do I dynamically set the data in col 3? I am using form builder to create my forms and has a method that accepts to dynamically insert the rows in a table. When I write something in col1, I subscribe to change and compute the sum on the two cols to put it on the third col.
public sumRow() {
.subscribe((val) => {
// latest edit
val.foreach((item) => {
item.col3 = item.col1 + col2;
// But this one does not fill the col3 but
// it already giving the correct values
//loop to the val instead
// const ctrl = this.myForm.controls['rows'];
// ctrl.controls.forEach((field) => {
// const col1 = parseInt(field.get('col1').value, 10);
// const col2 = parseInt(field.get('col2').value, 10);
// const sum = col1 + col2;
// How to set these values to col3?
// Doesn't work: field.get('col3').setValue(sum);
public createForm() {
this.myForm = this.fb.group({
name: ['', Validators.required],
public pushRowItems(items) {
this.myForm.addControl('rows', this.fb.array([items]));
public initItemRows() {
return this.fb.group({
col1: 0,
col2: 0,
col3: 0,
public ngOnInit() {
What I would do, is to skip the valueChanges
and use one-way-binding with ngModel
for the sum of your columns. Not knowing how your template looks like, you have a couple of options:
Show a disabled input field as the third column, or then use a hidden input field and instead show for example a <p>
If you use a disabled field, you need to use getRawValue()
to get the values of the disabled fields.
Usually I wouldn't recommend using ngModel
together with reactive forms, but in this case it's fine, since we don't use it bind it to a separate variable in TS.
So here's how your code would look like with the hidden option:
<table formArrayName="rows">
<tr *ngFor="let item of myForm.controls.rows.controls; let i = index" [formGroupName]="i">
<td><input type="number" formControlName="col1"></td>
<td><input type="number" formControlName="col2"></td>
<td> <input type="number" hidden formControlName="col3" [ngModel]="item.controls.col1.value + item.controls.col2.value"></td>