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compare the auc of four ROC curves in r

I want to compare the auc of four roc curves in R. I tried roc.test , but this function can just compare two curves


Does R have a function to compare four curves? I know in stata I can compare 4 curves by roccomp. Does any one know how to compare four curves in R?



  • I don't think its there with roc.test but you can use library(caTools) to do it.

    It is very easy to compare AUC values like below by using 'sapply' using library(pROC) as well, I am describing both the methods here:

    Example and Setup for both the methods:

    Building the model here:

        lm1 <- lm(am ~ disp + mpg, data= mtcars)
        lm2 <- lm(am ~ disp + hp, data= mtcars)
        lm3 <- lm(am ~ disp + wt, data= mtcars)

    Predicting the model here:

    predict1 <- predict(lm1, newdata=mtcars)
    predict2 <- predict(lm2, newdata=mtcars)
    predict3 <- predict(lm3, newdata=mtcars)


    colAUC(cbind(predict1, predict2, predict3), mtcars$am, plotROC = T)


                     [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
        0 vs. 1 0.8380567 0.9433198 0.9433198

    If you choose to use plotROC = T then you will receive a plot comparison between the ROCs

    enter image description here


    auc.val <- sapply(list(predict1, predict2, predict3),function(x)roc(pred=x,resp=mtcars$am)$auc)

    Finally calculating the AUC using sapply here:

    auc.val <- sapply(list(predict1, predict2, predict3),function(x)roc(pred=x,resp=mtcars$am)$auc)

    would return this:

    > auc.val
    [1] 0.8380567 0.9433198 0.9433198

    In case you are interested printing this with names , use USE.NAMES in sapply

    > auc.val <- sapply(list("lm1" = predict1, "lm2" = predict2,"lm3"= predict3),function(x)roc(pred=x,resp=mtcars$am)$auc, USE.NAMES = T)
    > auc.val
          lm1       lm2       lm3 
    0.8380567 0.9433198 0.9433198