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increment a variable in while loop? (not an array)

I have a lot of EditControls in a dialoge page. They are called Edit1, Edit2, et cetera. Is it possible to get the values from those controls using a while loop like you could with an array? I know for an array you could do something like:

// Loop 5 times
  for i := 1 to (10 div 2) do
    ShowMessage(Edit[i].Text); <- here I need to get value of Edit1, Edit2, et cetera

How to do this with strings instead of arrays?


  • Make sure that there is no ComponentCount, after all it is a TComponent property. If it exists, use this code below and replace the name Form1 with the name of your Object Parent of Edits.

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    var i: Integer;
       for i := 0 to Form1.ComponentCount -1 do
          if Form1.Components[i].Name = 'Edit' + IntToStr(i+1) then
             TEdit(Form1.Components[i]).Text := 'NewTextEdit' + IntToStr(i+1);