I am following this example: https://github.com/PillowPillow/ng2-webstorage This works fine for me as boundValue is stored and I can retrieve it. However, I have a list of bots:
<tr *ngFor="let bot of bots"
Last Level: {{boundValue}}
<input [(ngModel)]="bot.lastLevel" />
this.storage.store('boundValue', this.bot.lastLevel);
How can I make use of webstorage to store values for all of my bots?
Edit #1: I followed Tours of Heroes as well and I am able to change the values which only retains for the session.
Edit #2: Original getBots snippet that display all bots:
getBots(): Observable<Bot[]> {
return this.http.get<Bot[]>(this.botsUrl)
catchError(this.handleError('getBots', []))
You can directly store it inside the local storage as a object/array
just do it as follows,
this.storage.store('botsboundvalue', JSON.stringify(this.bots));