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Parsing InfluxDB result using

I'm trying to make a command line utility for initializing a InfluxDB database, but I'm pretty new to influx, and C# in general.

With the following response from the Influx DB Database, I'm trying to pretty print this in the console window.

Ideally I would have errors show up in the standard error buffer, and warnings or info's show up in the standard output.

However, when running the code below in a debug environment, messages appears to be in an incorrect format according to several jsonpath checkers that I have used.

JSON input as result.Body

  "results": [
      "statement_id": 0,
      "messages": [
          "level": "warning",
          "text": "deprecated use of 'CREATE RETENTION POLICY Primary ON SensorData DURATION 30d REPLICATION 1' in a read only context, please use a POST request instead"

JSON output as messages prior to transformation:

messages    {{
  "level": "warning",
  "text": "deprecated use of 'CREATE RETENTION POLICY Primary ON SensorData DURATION 30d REPLICATION 1' in a read only context, please use a POST request instead"
}}  Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken {Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject}

As you can see, the messages output is in a nested object {{}} rather then an array as expected...

According to and several other jsonpath checkers, I was expecting something similar to:

      "text":"deprecated use of 'CREATE RETENTION POLICY Primary ON SensorData DURATION 30d REPLICATION 1' in a read only context, please use a POST request instead"


    private static void PrintResult(IInfluxDataApiResponse result)
        var output = result.Success ? System.Console.Out : System.Console.Error;
        output.WriteLine("["+result.StatusCode + "] : "+result.Body);
        var json = JObject.Parse(result.Body);
        var messages = json.SelectToken("$.results[*].messages[*]"); //outputs an array of messages if exists. e.g. [{level:warning,text:test}]
        if (messages != null)
            var transformed = messages.Select(m => new { level = (string)m["level"], text = (string)m["text]"] }).ToList();
            foreach (var msg in transformed)
                output.WriteLine($"[{result.StatusCode}] : {msg.level} - {msg.text}");



  • For my uses at least, using var messages =


    rather then


    allowed me to workaround the issue, as I could then treat the result as a C# enumerable, as opposed to special casing 1 result vs many results for SelectToken as it seems to flatten single results into an object, where as other implementations would have it be an array.