I'm trying to pipe an expression result into a maya text object for use as a heads up display. My script works from the script editor, but not when called from the command line or from my display expression. How can I change this to make it work from the command line?
import maya.cmds as cmds
# convert a string to hex values, separated by a space
typeNode = cmds.ls( selection=True )
type3d = cmds.listConnections(t='type')
typeValue = cmds.getAttr( 'tower_CON.Spin' )
for x in valueList:
hexVersion=hexVersion + hexValue + " "
cmds.setAttr(str(type3d[0]) + ".textInput", hexVersion.rstrip(), type="string")
From the error in you're comments, it looks like you're trying to run the module as a function.
You probably need to save this in the file:
import maya.cmds as cmds
def text_to_hud():
# convert a string to hex values, separated by a space
typeNode = cmds.ls( selection=True )
type3d = cmds.listConnections(t='type')
typeValue = cmds.getAttr( 'tower_CON.Spin' )
for x in valueList:
hexVersion=hexVersion + hexValue + " "
cmds.setAttr(str(type3d[0]) + ".textInput", hexVersion.rstrip(), type="string")
and then in the command line you'd want
import textToolHUD as th; th.text_to_hud()
You could also keep the file as is and just do
import textToolHUD
which would run once, but it's bad practice to rely on code that runs on import.