I have two sets:
X = {a, b}
Y = {1, 2, 3}
I would like to generate the following set of sets of pairs:
{<<a, 1>>, <<a, 2>>, <<a, 3>>}
{<<a, 1>>, <<a, 2>>, <<b, 3>>}
{<<a, 1>>, <<b, 2>>, <<a, 3>>}
{<<a, 1>>, <<b, 2>>, <<b, 3>>}
{<<b, 1>>, <<b, 2>>, <<b, 3>>}
In each set the first element is from X and the second is from Y. X can be repeated, Y cannot. How to do it?
Using the \X
operator gives us the set of all pairs: X \X Y = {<<a, 1>>, <<a, 2>>, ... <<b, 3>>}
gives us all possible sets. {s \in SUBSET (X \X Y): Cardinality(s) = 3}
(from the FiniteSets module) gives us all 3-element sets.
We want to make this unique on the second element of each pair. Let's define a new operator:
UniqueBy(set, Op(_)) == Cardinality(set) = Cardinality({Op(s): s \in set})
If we do {x[2] : x \in {<<a, 1>>, <<a, 2>>, <<a, 2>>}}
, we get {1, 2}
, which has a smaller cardinality and will be filtered out. So our final expression is
{s \in SUBSET (X \X Y) : UniqueBy(s, LAMBDA x: x[2]) /\ Cardinality(s) = 3}
Note that without the cardinality check {<<a, 1>>}
would be part of the set of sets, which isn't what you're looking for.