We are running a Nessus security scan. Unfortunately Particulars ServicePulse executable is coming up as a hit.
Path : c:\program files (x86)\particular software\servicepulse\servicepulse.host.exe
Used by services : Particular.ServicePulse
File write allowed for groups : Everyone
Full control of directory allowed for groups : Everyone
I thought it might be because of the service so I disable the service but it still comes up as a hit in the scan.
Is this software needed for NServiceBus if we are not using a dashboard to monitor?
It looks like the security scan does not like Everyone having full control. As long as the account the service is running under has Read and execute
permissions it will work. By default ServicePulse is installed to run using the Local System
There is an issue open to address this https://github.com/Particular/ServicePulse/issues/514