Let's say I have a database of 100,000 pieces of content inside of firestore. Each piece of content is unlikely to change more than once per month. My single page app, using firebase hosting, uses a function to retrieve the content from firestore, render it to HTML, and return it to the browser.
It's a waste of my firestore quotas and starts to add up to a lot of money if I'm routinely going through this process for content that is not that dynamic.
How can that piece of content be saved as a static .com/path/path/contentpage.html file to be served whenever that exact path and query are requested, rather than going through the firestore / functions process every time?
My goal is to improve speed, and reduce unnecessary firestore requests, knowing each read costs money.
When you use Firebase Hosting on top of Cloud Functions for Firebase, Hosting can act as an edge-cached layer on top of the responses from your HTTPS functions. You can read about that integration in the documentation. In particular, read the section managing cache behavior:
The main tool you'll use to manage cache is the Cache-Control header. By setting it, you can communicate both to the browser and the CDN how long your content should be cached. In your function, you set Cache-Control like so:
res.set('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=300, s-maxage=600');