I am writing a simple JSON serializer for java.io.File
just stingifying the path:
import java.io.File
import play.api.libs.json._
import Implicits.File._
object Implicits {
object File {
implicit val format: Format[File] = new Format[File] {
override def writes(o: File): JsValue = JsString(o.toString)
override def reads(js: JsValue): JsResult[File] = js.validate[String].map(f => new File(f))
final case class Bar(path: File)
object Bar {
implicit val format: Format[Bar] = Json.format
I find that the above does not work:
No instance of play.api.libs.json.Format is available for java.io.File in the implicit scope
However, if I change the name of Implicit.File.format
to Implicit.File.fmt
, it works fine.
Why does the name collide in this case when it should be the type, Format[File]
, that the implicit scope resolver should care about?
I'm using play-json 2.6.7.
Why does the name collide in this case when it should be the type,
, that the implicit scope resolver should care about?
Because it does care about the name as well.
At the line implicit val format: Format[Bar] = Json.format
, format
means Bar.format
and not Implicits.File.format
, so Implicits.File.format
isn't eligible as an implicit by this rule. And it isn't in a companion object, so it isn't covered by the second category either.