Does Allure2 support xunit project? I do not find it in the Allure2 documentation But is there some adapter to implement it?
Allure2 does support xunit project. It does not require special adapter. Allure2 has inbuilt plugin trx-plugin and xunit-xml-plugin. Steps taken for .netcore2 xunit test project using allure-commandline.
Refer to the docs to install allure commandline
Mac OS X brew
brew install allure
Windows scoop
scoop install allure
Linux for debian-based repositories a PPA is provided
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qameta/allure sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install allure
dotnet test --logger:trx
allure serve /home/path/to/project/target/surefire-reports/
Add a reference to the Xunit Logger nuget package in test project.
Generate output xunit xml report with command: dotnet test --logger:xunit
Generated Allure report with command: allure serve /home/path/to/project/target/surefire-reports/