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XQuery Unexpected if error during input processing

I'm trying to design a simple application which utilizes MarkLogic Query Console and the MarkLogic database.

My code looks like this:

declare namespace link="";
declare namespace bd-alg="";
declare namespace bd-bedr="";
declare namespace bd-bedr-tuple="";
declare namespace bd-dim-mem="";
declare namespace bd-dim-dim="";
declare namespace xbrldi="";
declare namespace xbrli="";
declare namespace iso4217="";
declare namespace xlink="";

let $startDateInput := ""
let $endDateInput := ""

    then let $startDate := xs:date($startDateInput)
    else let $startDate := xs:date("1900-01-01")
    then let $endDate := xs:date($endDateInput)
    else let $endDate := xs:date("2100-12-31")
for $doc in /xbrli:xbrl
    let $docId := $doc/xbrli:context//xbrli:identifier/text()
    let $docStartDate := xs:date($doc//xbrli:startDate/text())
    let $docEndDate := xs:date($doc//xbrli:endDate/text())
    where $docStartDate >= $startDate and $docEndDate <= $endDate    
    order by $docStartDate, $docId + 1  

The error I'm getting is the Unexpected If Error on this operation

    then let $startDate := xs:date($startDateInput)
    else let $startDate := xs:date("1900-01-01")

My guess is that the second if will give the same error so lets keep it at this one.

Do any of you guys understand what I am doing wrong.

I've tried placing a comma and semi-colon. Those give me other errors, so that's not the problem.

Thanks in advance!


  • You need to rewrite your code. if is without curly braces, but you are also interrupting the logic of the FLWOR statement. Keep in mind XQuery is a functional language. Do something like this:

    let $startDateInput := ""
    let $endDateInput := ""
    let $startDate :=
        then xs:date($startDateInput)
        else xs:date("1900-01-01")
    let $endDate :=
        then xs:date($endDateInput)
        else xs:date("2100-12-31")
    for $doc in /xbrli:xbrl
