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Iron-signal alternate in Polymer 2?

I have been using iron-signals almost everywhere in my application.

Now I was upgrading my polymer 1 application to polymer 2 and I found that <iron-signals> is not used anymore.

What is the alternate path to achieve the same. I basically want to pass data between different pages in my web app.


  • You should be able to simply dispatch events on window from one element and listen for them in other elements.


    // Element 1
    class FooElement extends Polymer.Element {
      connectedCallback() {
      ready() {
        window.addEventListener('bar-was-called', e => {
          console.log(e.detail) // logs 'hello-bar'
    // Element 2
    class BarElement extends Polymer.Element {
      connectedCallback() {
      ready() {
      doBar() {
        window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('bar-was-called', { 
          detail: 'hello-bar' 

    Side note

    Keep in mind that iron-signals was removed for a reason. AFAIK it's that it promotes a hard-to-debug communications architecture.

    From <iron-signals> README:

    Note: avoid using iron-signals whenever you can use a controller (parent element) to mediate communication instead.