I have many Excel files.Every file having same format and number of columns.Suppose, file A containing data
501 0006232.txt 0006235.txt 502 0.019047619 0.045989773
0006236.txt 503 0.042735043 0.116345945
0006239.txt 504 0.038095238 0.059372542
0006240.txt 505 0.0078125 0.007727828
0006247.txt 507 0.051724138 0.082823013
similarly, file B containing data
502 0006235.txt 0006236.txt 503 0.075757576 0.377716498
0006239.txt 504 0.01754386 0.043033148
0006240.txt 505 0.012987013 0.014002801
0006246.txt 506 0.044444444 0.150648715
0006247.txt 507 0.044117647 0.105052539
Now, I want to merge these files in following way
501 0006232.txt 0006235.txt 502 0.019047619 0.045989773
0006236.txt 503 0.042735043 0.116345945
0006239.txt 504 0.038095238 0.059372542
0006240.txt 505 0.0078125 0.007727828
0006247.txt 507 0.051724138 0.082823013
502 0006235.txt 0006236.txt 503 0.075757576 0.377716498
0006239.txt 504 0.01754386 0.043033148
0006240.txt 505 0.012987013 0.014002801
0006246.txt 506 0.044444444 0.150648715
0006247.txt 507 0.044117647 0.105052539
But unable to do this. How can i do this ?
First I read first files in the directory. then combine other files one by one with it.Here is my code.
f1=read.xlsx(list.files()[1],sheet = 1,colNames = FALSE)
for(i in 2:length(list.files()))
f=read.xlsx(list.files()[i],sheet = 1,colNames = FALSE)