I am very new to F# and trying to convert my python script to F# code for my learning.
i want to parse multiple (around 25 files) static html files to extract similar information from each file. I want to have a list of file handle for all the html files.
I am able to do it for single file as:
type SummaryHtmlType = HtmlProvider< @"C:/MyLocation/Summary_1.html">
I tried something similar to XmlProvider (even not sure if that's correct for XmlProvider), but no success.
type MyType = HtmlProvider<htmlFileList; SampleIsList=true>
Let me know solution even if there is all together different approach to do it.
in type SummaryHtmlType = HtmlProvider< @"C:/MyLocation/Summary_1.html">
is a sample file for HtmlProvider get the basic structure.
To parse file or url, use Load
method like SummaryHtmlType.Load(url)
For more information, see http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Data/library/HtmlProvider.html