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applicationWillEnterForeground never called

Hey there, I'm trying Multitasking in the Simulator (I only have a 2nd gen iPod and an iPad) and I'm still having some problems. My testing methods look like this:

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application {
 NSLog(@"Entering %s",__FUNCTION__);

 if (enteredFromBackground) {
  NSLog(@"Entering from Background");
  enteredFromBackground = NO;

- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application {
 NSLog(@"Entering %s",__FUNCTION__);

 enteredFromBackground = YES;

Unforntunately, I'm not seeing the NSLog from applicationWillEnterForeground, that's why I added the line to show me something in applicationDidBecomeActive. All I get is the

2010-11-20 15:58:12.796 iBeat[45997:207] Entering -[AppDelegate_Shared applicationDidEnterBackground:]
2010-11-20 15:58:18.160 iBeat[45997:207] Entering -[AppDelegate_Shared applicationDidBecomeActive:]


  • Finally I found my problem! Since I have a universal Application, I have an Appdelegate_Shared, an Appdelegate_iPhone, and an Appdelegate_iPad. I had an empty implementation of "applicationWillEnterForeground" in the two subclasses but didn't call super!

    And then I wondered why the method in Appdelegate_Shared never got called o.O