I am beginning Ruby On Rails through a purchase/resale platform project at school. I'm having an issue with my models when I try to translate them from my relational model.
Firstly, I've modelled my database. Here is simplified the entity-relationship model :
I've then translated it in a relational model :
Finally, I've implemented it in Ruby On Rails.
I've implemented a model Client :
class Client < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :name
validates :name, :presence => true
has_many :purchasings, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :sellers, :through => :purchasings
has_many :articles, :through => :purchasings
I've implemented a model Seller :
class Seller < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :name
validates :name, :presence => true
has_many :purchasings, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :sellers, :through => :purchasings
has_many :articles, :through => :purchasings
I've implemented a model Article
class Article < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :quantity
validates :quantity, :presence => true
has_one :purchasing, :dependent => :destroy
has_one :client, :through => :purchasings
has_one :seller, :through => :purchasings
I've implemented a model Purchasing :
class Purchasing < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :client_id, :seller_id, :article_id
belongs_to :client, :class_name => "Client"
belongs_to :seller, :class_name => "Seller"
belongs_to :article, :class_name => "Article"
validates :client_id, :presence => true
validates :seller_id, :presence => true
validates :article_id, :presence => true
I've modified the Purchasing database migration :
class CreatePurchasing < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
add_index :purchasings, :client_id
add_index :purchasings, :seller_id
add_index :purchasings, :article_id
add_index :purchasings, [:client_id, :seller_id], :unique => true
def down
I know this is incorrect because when I execute the following code on the Rails console :
cl1 = Client.create(:name => "John")
cl2 = Client.create(:name => "James")
sel1 = Seller.create(:nom => "Jack")
sel2 = Seller.create(:nom => "Jil")
a1 = Article.create(:quantity => 5)
p1 = Purchasing.new(:client => cl1, :client_id => cl1.id, :seller => sel1, :seller_id => sel1.id, :article => a1, :article_id => a1.id)
p2 = Purchasing.new(:client => cl2, :client_id => cl2.id, :seller => sel1, :seller_id => sel1.id, :article => a1, :article_id => a1.id)
returns true whereas an article can't be sold by a same seller and bought by two clients different.
You are adding the index on incorrect columns on purchasings table. As per the requirement, the article_id and seller_id should not get repeated ideally. So you actually need is a uniqueness constraint on seller_id, and article_id column. You can do so by creating an unique index on the composition of two columns seller_id, and article id on the database layer. You should also add the application layer validation on the purchasing model.
class Purchasing < ApplicationRecord
attr_accessor :client_id, :seller_id, :article_id
belongs_to :client, :class_name => "Client"
belongs_to :seller, :class_name => "Seller"
belongs_to :article, :class_name => "Article"
validates :client_id, :presence => true
validates :seller_id, :presence => true
validates :article_id, :presence => true
validates :article_id, uniqueness: {scope: :seller_id}
Now you should also write a database migration to add the unique index on these two columns.
class AddUniquenessConstraintInPurshasing < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_index :purchasings, [:article_id, :seller_id], :unique => true