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postgres json array elements and null returns

I have a json column in a table in postgres that includes an array of objects e.g.

{"BlockData":[{"Name":"George","Age":"54","Height":"1.75"}, {"Name":"Mario","Age":"35","Height":"1.90"}]}

I am using a Select query and want to access the Name object and the value pair of the Name (George and Mario). What I am trying to to is the following:

select jsonb_array_elements(jsondoc_->'BlockData')->>'Name' from BlockData;

What I get in return is

"ERROR:  cannot extract elements from a scalar

SQL state: 22023"

From what I could discover is that this issue occurs because at some rows the return is NULL. Can you please advise how can I overlap this issue?


  • did you try to Filter them?

    t=# with t(jsondoc_) as (values('{"BlockData":[{"Name":"George","Age":"54","Height":"1.75"}, {"Name":"Mario","Age":"35","Height":"1.90"}]}'::jsonb),('{"BlockData":null}'))
    select jsonb_array_elements(jsondoc_->'BlockData')->>'Name' from t
    where jsondoc_->'BlockData' <> 'null';
    (2 rows)