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Given an IO Request Packet, how can I tell with which function(s) it is associated? E.g IRP_MJ_READ

If I have a fully intact IRP and I am viewing it in a program such as IRP Monitor, how can I tell which function(s) this IRP is associated with, such as IRP_MJ_READ or IRP_MJ_WRITE?


  • IRP by itself not "associated" with any function. every IRP have at least one I/O Stack Locations - and at begin of IO_STACK_LOCATION structure you can view

    UCHAR                  MajorFunction;
    UCHAR                  MinorFunction;


    The IRP major function code indicating the type of I/O operation to be performed.

    exactly here values IRP_MJ_XXX. however complex IRP have multiple stack locations and different locations can have different MajorFunction. say IRP which set to filesystem or disk driver initially (in top stacks) have IRP_MJ_WRITE (or read). but when disk driver send this irp down to port driver - already IRP_MJ_SCSI set in stack