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Gradient over Instagram SVG of FontAwesome 5

After upgrading to FontAwesome 5, I'm not able to color the svgs of FontAwesome.

This is my example: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Should be awesome if it worked like here: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ (Note: he used FontAwesome 4).


  • Icons are no longer referenced as glyphs from a font, but injected as inline SVG. The content color of the icon is defined as fill="currentColor".

    The technique with setting the background and using -webkit-background-clip no longer works. Instead you can set the color property directly. Unfortunately, that is where you get into a bit of trouble because color does not support gradients. You can set fill instead, if you use a SVG gradient definition:

      background: black;
    div {
      color: white;
    div:hover svg * {
      fill: url(#rg);
    <script src=""></script>
    <svg width="0" height="0">
      <radialGradient id="rg" r="150%" cx="30%" cy="107%">
        <stop stop-color="#fdf497" offset="0" />
        <stop stop-color="#fdf497" offset="0.05" />
        <stop stop-color="#fd5949" offset="0.45" />
        <stop stop-color="#d6249f" offset="0.6" />
        <stop stop-color="#285AEB" offset="0.9" />
    <i class="fab fa-instagram" aria-hidden="true"></i>

    THe r attribute for the gradient cannot be expressed in the same terms as in CSS, so it's a bit of an estimate here.

    Note the selector div:hover svg *. with that, it overwrites the attribute on the element. It needs to reference the styled element directly, if inheriting that style, fill="currentColor" would have the higher specificity.