I am trying to pass filters to PagedAndSortedResultRequest.
public class PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto : PagedResultRequestDto, IPagedAndSortedResultRequest
public virtual string Sorting { get; set; }
I want to pass a simple list of name-value pairs to this DTO in order to filter the result set.
The current implementation does not allow me to do it so I have to create a new class inheriting PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto. I am wondering if it is the right path to achieve my goal and there is any milestone to accommodate filter in the framework.
As advised by @AlperEbicoglu, here goes my solution. The solution requires three parts. Inherited request dto class, AppService passing the class, and overridden CreateFilteredQuery method inside of the AppService.
//Inherited Request DTO Class
public class MyResultRequestDto : PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto
public virtual int? ChannelId { get; set; }
public class MyAppService : AsyncCrudAppService<Tenant, MyDto, int, MyResultRequestDto, CreateMyDto, MyDto>, IMyAppService
//Overridden CreateFilteredQuery inside of MyAppService
protected override IQueryable<MyEntity> CreateFilteredQuery(MyResultRequestDto input)
var query = Repository.GetAll();
if (input.ChannelId.HasValue)
query = query.Where(t => t.ChannelId == input.ChannelId.Value);
return query;
Hope it helps anyone who needs it.