I would like to read all shapefiles in a directory into the global environment However, when I get a list of files in my working directory, the list includes both .shp and .shp.xml files, the latter of which I do not want. My draft code reads both .shp and .shp.xml files. How can I prevent it from doing so?
Draft code follows:
# get all files with the .shp extension from working directory
shps <- dir(getwd(), "*.shp")
# the assign function will take the string representing shp
# and turn it into a variable which holds the spatial points data
for (shp in shps) {
cat("now loading", shp, "...", '\n\r')
assign(shp, readOGR(shp))
EDIT: Problems seems to be in the readShapePoints. Either readOGR (from rgdal) or shapefile (from raster) work better.
Get all the files:
# replace with your folder name:
dir <- "c:/files/shpfiles"
ff <- list.files(dir, pattern="\\.shp$", full.names=TRUE)
Now read them. Easiest with raster::shapefile
. Do not use readShapefile (obsolete and incomplete)
# first file
# all of them into a list
x <- lapply(ff, shapefile)
These days, you could use "terra" and do
v <- vect( lapply(ff, vect) )