I have two models that I am trying to subclass in swift using RealmSwift
Model 1: Users
@objcMembers class User: Object, Codable {
dynamic var id: Int = 0
dynamic var username: String = ""
dynamic var email: String = ""
dynamic var counts: Counts = Counts(follows: 0, followed_by: 0)
convenience init(id: Int, username: String, email: String, counts: Counts) {
self.id = id
self.username = username
self.email = email
self.counts = counts
class Counts: Codable {
let follows: Int
let followed_by: Int
init(follows: Int, followed_by: Int) {
self.follows = follows
self.followed_by = followed_by
Here I created a model which inherits codable because I am using Swift 4 new decoding method. This model works fine. I can go add a user and read it fine. So doing this works fine:
let newUser = User(id: 1, username: "user1", email: "user1@gmail.com", counts: Counts(follows: 100, followed_by: 500000000))
Now I am trying to create a model called Friend which has a field that inherits from User
Model 2: Friend
@objcMembers class Friend: Object {
dynamic var user: User = User(id: 0, username: "", email: "", counts: Counts(follows: 0, followed_by: 0))
dynamic var dateAdded: Date = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0)
convenience init(user: User, dateAdded: Date = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0)) {
self.user = user
self.dateAdded = dateAdded
When I do this and load up my app I get a SIGBART and it highlights my initialization of realm : let realm = RealmService.shared.realm
When I remove my Friend Model the app works fine.
How do you properly subclass in Realm?
You cannot declare properties as normal Swift properties whose types are other Realm subclasses. What you are looking for is a many-to-one relationship.
Many-to-one relationships have to be declared optionals and you can't provide a default value
@objcMembers class Friend: Object {
dynamic var user: User?
dynamic var dateAdded: Date = Date()
convenience init(user: User, dateAdded: Date = Date()) {
self.user = user
self.dateAdded = dateAdded
Unrelated, but when you want to create a Date
object representing the current time, just call the default, empty initializer of Date
, it will do that for you and it's much shorter than Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0)