Search code examples

Yii2: from PHP

I have a GridView of a index view with some columns. I added a print button that link to a URL that has to be opened in a new window.

Print button in index.html

This code work but the URL is not open in a new window.

'columns' => [
        'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
        'template' => '{download} {update} {delete}',
        'buttons' => [
            'download' => function ($url, $model) {
                return Html::a(
                    '<span class="fa fa-print"></span>',
                    '/disposicion-licencia/print-estival?id=' . $model->id,
                        'title' => 'Download',
                        'data-pjax' => '0',

I think I need JavaScript code like this:'/disposicion-licencia/print-estival?id=$id');

But I don't know where to use it.


  • For a new window you need 'target' => '_blank':

           return Html::a(
                    '<span class="fa fa-print" ></span>',
                    '/disposicion-licencia/print-estival?id=' . $model->id,
                        'title' => 'Download',
                        'data-pjax' => '0',
                        'target' => '_blank',