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DSpace 6.2 Community List Modification

I've been trying to modify the appearance of the list of communities on the repository I'm working on. Essentially I want to remove the caption of the content description underneath the communities on the front page. I've attached image descriptions below.

I'm trying to get this Now

To look like this What I'm Going For

I can't seem to find the files responsible, I had initially attempted to modify the _community-list.scss and the _community-view.scss files in [source]/dspace-xmlui-mirage2/src/main/webapp/styles/classic_mirage_color_scheme/

But no luck yet.


  • Comment out the following code to hide the display of that information.

            <xsl:variable name="abstract" select="$data/dim:field[@element = 'description' and @qualifier='abstract']/node()"/>
            <xsl:if test="$abstract and string-length($abstract[1]) &gt; 0">
                <div class="artifact-info">
                    <span class="short-description text-muted">
                        <xsl:value-of select="util:shortenString($abstract, 220, 10)"/>