I've been trying to modify the appearance of the list of communities on the repository I'm working on. Essentially I want to remove the caption of the content description underneath the communities on the front page. I've attached image descriptions below.
I can't seem to find the files responsible, I had initially attempted to modify the _community-list.scss and the _community-view.scss files in [source]/dspace-xmlui-mirage2/src/main/webapp/styles/classic_mirage_color_scheme/
But no luck yet.
Comment out the following code to hide the display of that information. https://github.com/DSpace/DSpace/blob/dspace-6_x/dspace-xmlui-mirage2/src/main/webapp/xsl/aspect/artifactbrowser/community-list.xsl#L66-L73
<xsl:variable name="abstract" select="$data/dim:field[@element = 'description' and @qualifier='abstract']/node()"/>
<xsl:if test="$abstract and string-length($abstract[1]) > 0">
<div class="artifact-info">
<span class="short-description text-muted">
<xsl:value-of select="util:shortenString($abstract, 220, 10)"/>