In my project i want to present Tabbar on button click, now i have already created tabbar and i give identity name as "tabbar" that i show you in below image
so now i am using below code to call Tab bar controller but i am not getting it.
let tabbar: UITabBarController? = (storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "tabbar") as? UITabBarController)
navigationController?.pushViewController(tabbar, animated: true)
can you guys suggest me what i need to do and which code is useful to me to present Tabbar controller.
For more specification : i added below image in which there is blue button in one viewController i want to present tab bar controller on click of that blue button
Thank you.
Try this and see:
Using Storyboard Segue: Connect your segue as present modally with your action button.
Programatically: Use self
of view controller (UIViewController) and present it modally, like this.
if let tabbar = (storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "tabbar") as? UITabBarController) {
self.present(tabbar, animated: true, completion: nil)
Here is result: