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dynamic resizing effect in Metafizzy Packery component

I'm looking to JavaScript Packery component. I want to switch the current implementation from GridStack to Packery. One thing that stops me right now is a lack of dynamic resizing effect of components(panels) in Packery. Right now I'm unable to find this feature in demo or documentation.

Is any way to implement/enable this feature in Packery?


  • This can certainly be done. Use the "Responsive Layouts" set-up as your model:

    Critically, you should also use Metafizzy's own imagesLoaded js to load the javascript after the images are fully loaded:

    The full javascript call (packery inside of imagesLoaded) should look like this:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
        $('.grid').imagesLoaded( function(){
                percentPosition:true, // *critical for responsive layout*
                // your own further options

    If you are still having trouble, try reversing the js call so that imagesLoaded is called after every image is loaded, as recommended on the Packery webpage:

    Good Luck!