Search code examples

Phalcon find with conditions of models relation

I have this model code:

class TvguideChannel extends Model{

    public function initialize() {

        $this->hasMany('code', __NAMESPACE__.'\Tvguide', "ch_code", ['alias' => 'Tvguide']);

    public function getSource() {
        return 'tvguide_channel';

And Controller:

    $data = TvguideChannel::find();
    $dateDetails = $data->getTvguide(['order' => '$_POST["time"] DESC']);

    $paginator = new PaginatorModel(
            "data" => $data,
            "limit" => $limit,
            "page" => $curPage

    $items = $paginator->getPaginate();

This is not working. How I Can use columns from Tvguide model in controller? Thanks for help.


  • Your controller code will return a TvguideChannel instance. To access the relation you have to use the alias you defined above.


    The above should contain all Tvguide's for this record.

    Here is a more detailed example of hasMany():

        'id', // The primary key in your main table
        'Models\ServicesVideos', // The Model you are joining
        'service_id', // Foreign key for main table
            'alias' => 'videos', // Alias which you use later to access the relation
            // additional parameters like where, order, limit etc...
            'params' => [
                'order' => 'position ASC',
                'conditions' => 'type = :type:',
                'bind' => [
                    'type' => get_class($this)

    UPDATE: example of passing parameters to the relation itself.

    Model code:

    class Orders extends BaseModel
        public function initialize()
            $this->hasMany('id', 'Models\OrderDetails', 'order_id', [
                'alias' => 'details',

    Controller code:

    // We want only related records with price higher than 9.00
    $order = \Models\Orders::findFirst(17);
    $orderDetails = $order->getDetails([
        'conditions' => 'price > 9.00'

    UPDATE 2

    find() method returns a Resulset, which means you can not use directly $data->getTvguide. You have to iterate over each record and access its related entries.

    $data = TvguideChannel::find();
    foreach ($data as $item) {
        // This will return related guides for each channel.
        $dateDetails = $item->getTvguide(...);