I'm trying to create an Ansible playbook that will check a list of directories, and filter that list to only include existing directories, and store that list to a variable (fact?). In addition to storing a filtered list of existing directories, I'd also like to store the first found existing directory to a different variable.
I'm having some difficulty getting that to work and feel like I'm making it more difficult that it should be. Any suggestions?
- hosts: all
- "/a/"
- "/b/"
- "/c/"
- name: Checking existing file name
path: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ my_dirs }}"
register: check_file_name
- name: Set fact
existing_paths: "{{ item.stat.path }}"
"{{ check_file_name.results }}"
when: item.stat.exists | default(False) | bool
I think you almost got it working but might require some change in the playbook as below the results collected in an array:
- set_fact: existing_paths="{{ [] }}" - name: Set fact set_fact: existing_paths: "{{ existing_paths +[item.stat.path] }}" with_items: "{{ check_file_name.results }}" when: item.stat.exists