I want to fetch all products from my store on ebay and this is my code to bring all the data i require. After I register myself on developer program on ebay, i created keys for production. my code is as follow
#region Feilds
ApiContext ApiContext = new ApiContext();
CallRetry OCallRetry = new CallRetry();
ApiCall ApiCall = new ApiCall();
GetItemCall GetCall = new GetItemCall();
#region Utilities
public void GetCredentials()
ApiContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Developer = "xxxxxxxx"; //use your dev ID
ApiContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Application = "xxxxxx"; //use your app ID
ApiContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Certificate = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"; //use your cert ID
ApiContext.ApiCredential.eBayToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Token"]; //set the AuthToken
public void InitializeAPI()
ApiContext.SoapApiServerUrl = "https://api.ebay.com/wsapi";
ApiContext.Site = eBay.Service.Core.Soap.SiteCodeType.India;
ApiContext.Version = "459";
public void SetupAPILog()
//very important, let's setup the logging
ApiLogManager ApiLog = new ApiLogManager();
ApiLog.ApiLoggerList.Add(new eBay.Service.Util.FileLogger("GetSellerList459NETSDK.log", true, true, true));
ApiLog.EnableLogging = true;
ApiContext.ApiLogManager = ApiLog;
public void ConsumeAPI()
OCallRetry.DelayTime = 1;
OCallRetry.MaximumRetries = 3;
StringCollection oErrorCodes = new StringCollection();
OCallRetry.TriggerErrorCodes = oErrorCodes;
TypeCollection oExceptions = new TypeCollection();
OCallRetry.TriggerExceptions = oExceptions;
ApiContext.CallRetry = OCallRetry;
ApiContext.Timeout = 120000;
GetSellerListCall ApiSellerList = new GetSellerListCall(ApiContext);
ApiSellerList.Version = ApiContext.Version;
ApiSellerList.Site = ApiContext.Site;
ApiSellerList.GranularityLevel = eBay.Service.Core.Soap.GranularityLevelCodeType.Fine;
// enable the compression feature
ApiSellerList.EnableCompression = true;
PaginationType oPagination = new PaginationType();
oPagination.EntriesPerPage = 200;
oPagination.EntriesPerPageSpecified = true;
oPagination.PageNumber = 1;
oPagination.PageNumberSpecified = true;
ApiSellerList.Pagination = oPagination;
ApiSellerList.EndTimeFilter = new TimeFilter(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMonths(3));
ApiSellerList.Sort = 2;
ItemTypeCollection oItems = ApiSellerList.GetSellerList();
foreach (ItemType oItem in oItems)
Console.WriteLine("ItemID is " + oItem.ItemID);
Console.WriteLine("This item is of type " + oItem.ListingType.ToString());
if (0 < oItem.SellingStatus.BidCount)
// The HighBidder element is valid only if there is at least 1 bid
Console.WriteLine("High Bidder is " + oItem.SellingStatus.HighBidder.UserID);
Console.WriteLine("Current Price is " + oItem.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.currencyID.ToString() + " " + oItem.SellingStatus.CurrentPrice.Value.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("End Time is " + oItem.ListingDetails.EndTime.ToLongDateString() + " " + oItem.ListingDetails.EndTime.ToLongTimeString());
// the data that is accessible through the item object
// for different GranularityLevel and DetailLevel choices
// can be found at the following URL:
// http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/SOAP/docs/WebHelp/GetSellerListCall-GetSellerList_Best_Practices.html
catch (ApiException oApiEx)
// process exception ... pass to caller, implement retry logic here or in caller, whatever you want to do
catch (SdkException oSdkEx)
// process exception ... pass to caller, implement retry logic here or in caller, whatever you want to do
catch (Exception oEx)
// process exception ... pass to caller, implement retry logic here or in caller, whatever you want to do
After executing this code i am getting this API exception "Validation of the authentication token in API request failed."
Stacktrace:- at eBay.Service.Core.Sdk.ApiCall.SendRequest() at eBay.Service.Core.Sdk.ApiCall.Execute() at eBay.Service.Call.GetSellerListCall.GetSellerList() at Nop.Services.EbayExport.ExportProducts.ConsumeAPI()
I created keys on production section and clicked on "Get OAuth Application Token " to get Token for "ApiContext.ApiCredential.eBayToken"
Anyone using .NetSDK For ebay API ?
The very first thing, i have noticed in your code is API version which you have used - 459.
This is completely obsolete now and the lowest eBay supported version is 941
Please update version and try. The below working code version may help you