I have the following methods on my code:
fun saveArticles(data: JSONArray) {
var active = String()
for (i in 0..data.length().minus(1)) // create string
val articles = Select.from(Article::class.java).list()
val iterator = articles.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val article = iterator.next() as Article
if (!active.contains(Regex(article.id.toString()))) article.delete()
fun saveDossiers(data: JSONArray) {
var active = String()
for (i in 0..data.length().minus(1)) // create string
val dossiers = Select.from(Dossier::class.java).list()
val iterator = dossiers.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val dossier = iterator.next() as Dossier
if (!active.contains(Regex(dossier.id.toString()))) dossier.delete()
fun saveVideos(data: JSONArray) {
var active = String()
for (i in 0..data.length().minus(1)) // create string
val videos = Select.from(Video::class.java).list()
val iterator = videos.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val video = iterator.next() as Video
if (!active.contains(Regex(video.id.toString()))) video.delete()
As you can see, all the methods do exactly the same thing. The only difference is the Class type of the object I'm working at the moment. Can I somehow create a single method with a parameter of Class type, and depending of the type change the class I need to work? Something like this:
fun saveVideos(data: JSONArray, type: Class) {
var active = String()
for (i in 0..data.length().minus(1)) // create string
val list = Select.from(type).list()
val iterator = list.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val item = iterator.next() as type
if (!active.contains(Regex((item as type).id.toString()))) item.delete()
You need to extract an interface and use a reified
interface Blabla {
fun delete()
val id: Int
inline fun <reified T : Blabla>saveVideos(data: JSONArray) {
var active = String()
for (i in 0..data.length().minus(1)) // create string
val list = Select.from(T::class.java).list()
val iterator = list.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val item = iterator.next() as T
if (Regex(item.id.toString()) !in active) item.delete()
This should work.
Also, I highly recommend you to use the Kotlin collection library, like this.
inline fun <reified T : Blabla>saveVideos(data: JSONArray) {
val active = ""
for (i in 0 until data.length()) {} // create string
val list = Select.from(T::class.java).list()
.map { it as T }
.filter { Regex(it.id.toString()) !in active }
.forEach { it.delete() }
And you can even replace forEach { it.delete() }
with forEach(T::delete)