My problem is that I migrated to Endpoints v2, and at some point down the line my GCM registration code stopped working.
Stopped working? More specifically, the generated client library is attempting to send a POST request in the form provided in the top line of this image:
The second line is what happens when I send the request myself manually with Postman (changing it so that it sends the data in the URL fragment instead of in the query string). This works, and is added to my database.
The registration is sent using the standard API builder:
Registration.Builder builder = new Registration.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new AndroidJsonFactory(), null)
regService =;
The endpoint itself looks like this:
@ApiMethod(name = "registerDevice", httpMethod = "post")
public void registerDevice(@Named("regId") String regId) {
if(findRecord(regId) != null) {"Device " + regId + " already registered, skipping register");
RegistrationRecord record = new RegistrationRecord();
How can this be resolved?
My code is being deployed and generated with the following commands:
gradlew endpointsOpenApiDocs
gcloud endpoints services deploy backend\build\endpointsOpenApiDocs\openapi.json
gradlew appengineDeploy
gradlew endpointsClientLibs
If you want the parameter to be a query string, it should be marked @Nullable as well. This will tell take the parameter out of the path. Looks like there is some mismatch between the configuration in the old and new frameworks, but it is more correct to use @Nullable for query parameters and omit it for path parameters.