I'm trying to split a dictionary with a list within a pandas column but it isn't working for me...
The column looks like so when called;
"[{'urlkey': 'webdesign', 'name': 'Web Design', 'id': 659}, {'urlkey': 'productdesign', 'name': 'Product Design', 'id': 2993}, {'urlkey': 'internetpro', 'name': 'Internet Professionals', 'id': 10102}, {'urlkey': 'web', 'name': 'Web Technology', 'id': 10209}, {'urlkey': 'software-product-management', 'name': 'Software Product Management', 'id': 42278}, {'urlkey': 'new-product-development-software-tech', 'name': 'New Product Development: Software & Tech', 'id': 62946}, {'urlkey': 'product-management', 'name': 'Product Management', 'id': 93740}, {'urlkey': 'internet-startups', 'name': 'Internet Startups', 'id': 128595}]"
I want to only be left with the 'name' and 'id' to put into separate columns of topic_1, topic_2, and so forth.
Appreciate any help.
You can give this a try.
import json
df.topics.apply(lambda x : {x['id']:x['name'] for x in json.loads(x.replace("'",'"'))} )
Your output for the row you gave is :
{659: 'Web Design',
2993: 'Product Design',
10102: 'Internet Professionals',
10209: 'Web Technology',
42278: 'Software Product Management',
62946: 'New Product Development: Software & Tech',
93740: 'Product Management',
128595: 'Internet Startups'}