When deploying my application there is of course always an admin
How can I create such an admin
user as a first user without any interaction ...
Found it. There is an easy way to do this with Yii2 builtin migrations.
In Yii2-user there are some hooks we can use to create users.
This code has to be inserted in a migration. after creating a new migration ./yii migrate/create
, preferably after creating initial tables in the database:
use yii\db\Transaction;
use app\models\user\User;
public function safeUp()
$transaction = $this->getDb()->beginTransaction();
$user = \Yii::createObject([
'class' => User::className(),
'scenario' => 'create',
'email' => 'admin',
'username' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'mysecret',
if (!$user->insert(false)) {
return false;
The skeleton code can be found in ./migrations/...
Don't forget to add database config parameters in ./config/db.php
and the user module in ./config/console.php