How can I insert multiple rows in dynamodb using body mapping template of API gateway?
Input to my code is "xyz 1,abc 2" which has information about 2 rows to be inserted.
Only second record which is "abc 2" is getting stored, I want both records to be inserted in the table. Below is the code I have written
#set($rawAPIData = $input.path('$'))
#set ($bulk = $rawAPIData.split(","))
"TableName": "tablename",
#foreach( $records in $bulk)
#set ($s = $records.split(" "))
"Item": {
"col1": {
"S": "$s.get(0)"
"col2": {
"S": "$s.get(1)"
#if( $foreach.hasNext ), #end
I'm new to this, suggestion would really help
This AWS guide shows how to use API Gateway as a proxy for DynamoDB. It's similar the approach you are trying to take. As a suggestion, it might be better have your api focus on a single row at a time, rather than splitting multiple inputs on ,
. For example it would simplify your template somewhat to send requests similar to those found in the guide.
Example Request Body:
"col1": "xyz",
"col2": "1"
Template (derived from your template code):
"TableName": "tablename",
"Item": {
"col1": {
"S": "$input.path('$.col1')"
"col2": {
"S": "$input.path('$.col2')"
However, if you want to stick to operating on multiple items, The BatchWriteItem documentation would be worth a read. Following the example, I think this should be your body template:
#set($rawAPIData = $input.path('$'))
#set ($bulk = $rawAPIData.split(","))
"RequestItems": {
"tablename": [
#foreach($records in $bulk)
#set ($s = $records.split(" "))
"PutRequest": {
"Item": {
"col1": {
"S": "$s.get(0)"
"col2": {
"S": "$s.get(1)"
#if( $foreach.hasNext ),