I have a variable defined as:
D content 1280A CONST
I need to find the "
, &
, '
, <
, >
characters and replace them with:
, &
, '
, <
, and >
; respectively.
I've seen some XML functions in the language but these do not seem to be what I need. But I could be wrong so here I am asking.
Using RPGLE, freeform.
Solution: Perhaps not very RPG-ish but it worked
P encode B
D PI 1280A
D content 1280A CONST
D outStr S 1280A
D strDsp S 50A
outStr = %trim(content);
outStr = replaceAll('&' : '&' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('"' : '"' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('''' : ''' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('>' : '>' : outStr);
outStr = replaceAll('<' : '<' : outStr);
return outStr;
P*** Procedure: replaceAll ************************************
P*** IN: character to replace, replacement text, source
P*** OUT: transformed string
P replaceAll B
D PI 1280A
D character 1A CONST
D rText 10A CONST
D content 1280A CONST
D outStr S 1280A
D dspStr S 50A
D rSize S 3P 0 //replacement text size
D index S 3P 0 //cur str index
D cntSize S 3P 0 //content size
rSize = %len(%trim(rText));
cntSize = %len(%trim(content));
outStr = content;
for i = 1 to cntSize; //scan starts at character 1 not 0
index = %scan(character : outStr : i);
if index = 0;
outStr = %replace(%trim(rText) : outStr : index : 1);
i = index + 1;
return outStr;
Maybe this is simple-minded of me, but would it be enough to just use the built-in %replace function? I mean, you'd have to use it repeatedly, for the different things you're replacing. But are there any special cases that kind of defeat mindless replacement? (I'm thinking of how often people try to just parse CSVs by mindlessly breaking on commas, for example. That doesn't go well for some data sets.)