I'm trying to use my existing auth system to protect the /sidekiq
route. I'm using JWT with Rails-api. I'm able to read the JWT token to check if the user has an admin role but it only works on the initial request. Subsequent requests in the Sidekiq panel retrieve CSS and JS but they fail because the token is not passed along to them.
I have the following route in my routes.rb
mount Sidekiq::Web => '/sidekiq', constraints: AdminConstraint.new
Then lib/admin_constraint.rb
class AdminConstraint
def matches?(request)
token = request.params['token']
unless token
puts 'AdminConstraint: No token in params found'
return false;
user = Knock::AuthToken.new(token: token).entity_for(User)
unless user
puts "AdminConstraint: No user found for token #{token}"
if user.admin?
puts "AdminConstraint: User with user_id #{user.id} is an admin, access granted"
puts "AdminConstraint: User with user_id #{user.id} is NOT an admin, rejecting"
I'm accessing the route in my browser like so: https://example.com/sidekiq?token=<token>
Is there some way I can persist the token for subsequent requests? I can't seem to use Rails session in this lib file.
Is there some way I can persist the token for subsequent requests?
This can't/shouldn't be done within a constraint in your routes.
You'll need to provide another endpoint, which sets something in the session to show that the session has been authenticated, which you'd then check within your routing constraint.
This could be done in a controller, or a rack middleware perhaps.