I want to update a value in the xml file through command line. I'm new to xmlstartlet I tried with the following command but its not working
xml ed -u "/web-app/welcome-file-list/welcome-file" -v 'Login.jsp' web.xml
In the followig XML file I want to update the value as login.jsp on the welcome-file node.
This is my web.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="2.5" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd">
<display-name>Struts2 Application</display-name>
<!-- Commenting as per discussion -->
<!-- WI Auth filter changes by Tuhin -->
<!-- downloadURI
To download static content we should use below path, do not add any other url in this param
<!-- Modes:
SnROnly - default, only SnR URL will be allowed,
SnRWithBypass- login bypass will be allowd (onsite test),
NoSnR - No SnR, filter will be disabled (Offshore Only)
<!-- To use SnROnly/ SnRWithBypass we need to make sure
1: jaas config
com.tcs.bfsarch.security.module.BFSSiteMinderLoginModule required debug=true;
3:DB script change
In security_parameter table entry singlesignon=3 for systemid 2(extranet)
* Parameter Name: staticContextRoot -> the sub context root for static context in the formed virtual path
* Mandatory
* Fingerprint (MD5 hash of the file) will follow this sub context root
* Parameter Name: contentTypes -> the comma separate list content type considered for URI replacement in the response body
* Mandatory
* Parameter Name: CacheExpiryInSeconds -> no of seconds after which cache will expire in browser
* Optional
* Default Value = 31536000 (1 Year)
<param-name>CacheExpiryInSeconds </param-name>
<param-value> 31536000 </param-value>
* Parameter Name: staticContentExtensions
* Optional
* Default Value = .css,.html,.htm,.pdf,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.gif,.js
* Comma seperated list of extension for which the URI replacement will be done
* Parameter Name: maxFileSizeToReplace -> Size in bytes or in KB (K) or MB (M)
* Optional
* Default Value = 512M
* This controls the static file replacement - if any static file is more than specified size,
* that will not be considered for URI replacement inside the file 9to avoid too much memory consumption)
* Parameter Name: ignoreURIs -> the comma separate list of URIs (exlusive of context root path), which will be ignored for URI replacement inside
* Optional
* Default Value = Blank list
* The URIs mentioned will be skipped URI replacements
* Parameter Name: listNonReplacableURIs -> the comma separate list of URIs (exlusive of context root path), which will not be replaced
* Optional
* Default Value = Blank list
* The URIs mentioned will be not be replaced if used in response as script, CSS or image inclusion
* Parameter Name: logfile -> logfile name and size
* Format : <Logfile path>;Size -> logfile path could be a directory or full path including file name, size could be in bytes, KB (K) or MB (M)
* Ex : /usr/log/abc.log;10M
* Optional
* Default Value = if nothing specified, logging will be off. If size is not specified or invalidly specified default will be 5MB
* If file is specified and writable then log will be written in that path.
* If the path is directory the "staticfilter.log" file will be created under the path.
* Log will be rotated after the size reached the size mentioned (default 5MB)
<!-- CSRF Vulnerability -->
<!-- CSRF Vulnerability -->
It's not working because your XML is in the default namespace http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee
You need to bind the namespace to a prefix and use it in the xpath.
xml ed -N x="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" -u "/x:web-app/x:welcome-file-list/x:welcome-file" -v 'Login.jsp' web.xml
See here for more info.